THE EXERCISE OF CONTROL. Self-efficacy is an essential part of this self-system. Pin By Alexis Burg On Albert Bandura Social Learning Theory Learning Theory Education Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 4 359-373. . Bandura is one of the principal founders of self efficacy theory which defines self efficacy as peoples judgements of their capabilities to organise and execute courses of actions required. The Impact of Stress Social Support Self. Bandura 1986 postulated that beliefs about ones ability self-efficacy were better predictors of achievement than ability itself 1. The measure assesses aspects of test anxiety. Self-efficacy theory SET is a subset of Banduras 1986 social. Ad Free Shipping Available. The Explanatory and Predictive Scope of Self-Efficacy Theory. 1986 The Explanatory and Predictive Scope of Self-Efficacy Theory. The purpose of this article is to examine the contribution made by the ...